New Races as Raiders

n the Mists of the Glade, the OverLord made Men, each of the Four Races, and each of the Races strayed when Shaitan and his Dark Brood offered them the fine "gifts." It only follows that ALL races of the TwiceBorn will be more than ready to go forth and conquer in the OverLord's Name! This page contain the stats on the three other Races of Men, and what adjustments must be made on the standard scores to play these other characters. The data in THIS SECTION may be copied and given to the players for reference for role-playing these races. In addition, the AM may copy down whatever information from the Creature Catalog that the AM wishes the players to have. 

The table to the right shows the STrength and AGility requirements applied to rolling up new demi-human characters from the Liberated Lands for Dragonraid play. Once these requirements are met, the various ratings are figured from the unmodified Primes, and the adjustment/penalties are placed in ink in the ADDs column of the character sheet as permanent racial adjustments. Note that the adjustment ADDs don't alter the standard calculation of scores...they are added in at the end to change the base ratings in each skill or ability.

Usually, the player characters from the other races will be from the Liberated Lands, and have known the OverLord all their lives. However, during the course of the campaign, there will be opportunities for NPC who become TwiceBorn to be taken under the wing of the party and schooled in the ways of the LightRaiders; these NPC's can be made into very interesting PC's. Usually, such "converts" will have a ST and a AG already. Roll a standard set of Primes excluding the ST and AG, fugure all scores, and apply the adjustments from the applicable Racial Adjsutments Table.

Racial Adjustments Table
Ability                               Dwarf     Elf    Gnome
STrength           7 MIN   1/2   7 MIN
AGility             1/2   7 MIN  7 MIN 
Physical Vitality   +6      -      +3
   & RFI
ENdurance           +3      -      +2
Special KNowledge   +1      +1     +1 
Bow                 -       +1      -
War Hammer/Throwing +1      -       -
BattleAxe/Hand Axe  -       -       1

Converse/Animals    -       +2     +1
Track Enemy         -       +2      -
Water Movement      -2      -      -2 
Psalmist Bonus      -       +1      -
LightRaiders from the Liberated Lands will have a randomly rolled Former Profession (one of the benefits of a good education! Use the Former Profession Table in the New Rules section.) Raiders who have been created from converted OnceBorn will have less "book learning" and a former profession that reflects the traditional heritage of that race or neighborhood. AM will CHOOSE a former profession in this case. AM may wish to limit some weapons skills or other abilities of such a "converted" Raider initially, as the new adventurer has yet to learn the ropes.

In conjuction with the info on this page, re-read the general data on the Race involved with your player character in the Library section to be prepared to role-play it properly. Also note that the adjustments for PC's are more generous than for NPC's. (As it should be, because we're HEROS for gosh sakes!) That said, here is all you need to know to roll up the other Races of Men as player characters:
The Other Raiders

Dwarves (Red Dwarves)

s with the other races of Men, the dwarves were taken in by Shaitan's fine gifts so many years ago. Today, the dwarves are known as some of the toughest LightRaiders ever to curse the Dark. Any player who rolls a ST of seven or more may elect to create a dwarf character.

Once the Primes, STrength and AGility are rolled, we may begin adjusting the standard stats as shown on the Racial Adjustments Table. First, the character's AGility roll is cut in half and rounded down. (While they possess deft hands, A dwarf's stocky frame makes some fine motions hard to accomplish.) After calculating all scores, we then must make the following changes to the "ADDS" section of the Player's Worksheet: 

Bonuses to be Applied to the Dwarven LightRaider

  • The dwarf PC gets a permanent +3 bonus on ENdurance, and a +6 on both Physical Vitality and Recover From Injury, due to the hardy dwarven constitution.
  • Dwarves PC's get +1 to KN on stone construction, armor & weapon smithing, utility blacksmithing, mining, and the general value/purity of gems and ores. Note that this is in addition to whatever +3 bonus is acquired from the Former Profession roll. 
  • Dwarven Raiders gain +1 to hit when using either a large (d10) War Hammer, or a smaller (1-5) Throwing Hammer. (Up to four such hammers may be hung from the belt of a 3' tall dwarf.)
  • The dwarven RFI bonus of +6 means the PC heals fast in addition to the higher PV level, and also means that the dwarven character makes an excellent Healer character.
  • TwiceBorn dwarves have an advanced version of the regular dwarves Tinker Ability (as described in the Creature Catalog). TA is figured by adding the PC's AGility to the KNowledge rating. This number may be applied (at GM's discretion, of course!) to all types of checks dealing with the creation and operation of machinery. Note that this includes the concoction of oddball inventions. ("Gilligan, I need two coconuts, a length of wire and a bobby-pin if we are going to escape the troll!") TA skill may be applied to traps only if the activating mechanism is visible. If you can't see it, you can't figure it out! Also note that VERY bad TA rolls tend to have...well, interesting results. 
Penalties to be Applied to the Dwarven LightRaider:
  • The character has a -2 on Water Movement...and if this drops the rating to 0 or lower, the PC will SINK LIKE A STONE in any body of water greater than a bathtub. ("Hey, what about an aqua-lung? Let me draw up some blueprints!!")
  • To balance gameplay, there are racial restrictions on the character classes dwarven PC's may play. Dwarves cannot be Knights of the Way or Animal Masters due to their racial dislike of the wilds. Their non-musical nature means that they cannot be Psalmists. Also, they cannot be RescueMasters due to their WM penalties. If members of the OverLord's Guard, they can only take the shape of adult dwarves and gnomes, or human and elven children. And unless they have a Self-Control score of 10, dwarves can't be RaidLeaders, due to the race's stubborn & bickering past.
  • TwiceBorn dwarves are an oddly cheery lot, and get on quite well with Elves. (Although OnceBorn elves will have to get to know the PC before deciding he/she is OK.) The character otherwise fits the "happy miner" of folklore. Examine the NPC description of Dwarves under OnceBorn in the Creature Catalog for more background information.

  • In the Liberated Lands, both male and female dwarves become LightRaiders, serving the OverLord as the Spirit directs them; there is no gender bias among LightRaiders. (And if the AM sees one, start passing out the LOve penalty points!) 
Elves (Green)

hey are called by many names; elves, green men, the forest people. Many races lay claim to being the first-made of Men, but almost since the very Beginning, there has been hatred between the elves and the Dragons. The TwiceBorn elves found in the Liberated Lands know the true story: long after the Scattering from the Glade, the Dragons told the elves that the Fair Race had no souls and so could not hope to be TwiceBorn. In memory of all the elves lost to the Overlord through this wicked lie, elves and Dragons are eternal enemies. All elves burn with hatred for Shaitan's Brood; they are natural enemies. Even the OnceBorn, the poor downtrodden elves that the Dragons oppress in the DragonLands, hate the Dragons without knowing the Good News that destroys all their lies.

Begin by rolling a standard set of Primes (all the Fruits, Strength and AGility.) Any PC rolled with an AGility of at least 7 qualifies to possibly become an elf character. First, the character's STrength roll is cut in half and rounded down to fall within a 1-5 range. (Though bold of heart and spirit, the usually thin elves are weaker than other Races of Men.) 

After all of the character's regular scores are calculated, we must then make the following changes to the "ADDS" section of the Player's Worksheet: 

Bonuses to be Applied to the Elven LightRaider:

  • Green elves get +2 to the Converse with Animals ability. (If this is not a ability chosen by the player, it becomes a bonus ability at a permanent 3 rating.)
  • Elves get a +3 on the VIS check for secret doors, and do not have to warn the AM when using the skill. (See Secret Doors.)
  • Elves get +1 to hit when using bows.
  • Elven PC's get a +2 on the Track Enemy ability (base score of 3 if not chosen) when in a wooded or wilderness setting.
  • Elves get a +1 on all KNowledge checks involving "woodlore". (This would include wilderness survival, good campsites, which plants are safe to eat, that kind of thing.) 
  • Elves have a better score than other races in the character

  • classes of Psalmist and Knight of the Way. 
  • If the elf does becomes a Psalmist, the race's inherently musical nature causes an additional +1 on all stats having to do with the Psalmist's abilities (PF, TL, lore, etc.)
Penalties to be Applied to the Elven LightRaider: 
  • Due to the ancient feud with the Dragons, green elves are the FIRST TARGETS of orcs, all goblins, trolls and Dragons in any battle.
  • When encountering orcs, goblins, trolls or Dragons, any Raider elf must roll a SC roll Vs. the creatures' BA score (Goblins -4, Orcs - 6, Trolls - 10, Dragons by their BA) or go "berserker" and attack immediately in a rage. This special battle rage allows no SF save, but infected elves take no Enchantment damage, and may be rescued as per usual.
  • There are two character class restrictions. Elves cannot be RaidLeaders unless they have a Self-Control of 10, due to their impulsive nature. If an elf becomes a Knight of the Way, the PC may not specialize in water or plains as environments...and most will be +skilled in forestry. (Elves do make excellent Psalmists or Animal Masters, though! Those racial ability bonuses really come in handy!)
  • The renowned elven hatred of Dragons also makes elves VERY EVANGELICAL to OnceBorn elves; their dedication to the OverLord means they want to tell other elves about Him RIGHT NOW! (And "right now" may be in the middle of a battle!) If the situation presents itself, reward the PC who lays down his arms and evangelizes the elven enemy! AM may rely on the Great Rescue WordRunes or just use the Conversion Table in the back of this appendix. (See entry on Witnessing in Advanced Rules.) An elf character who fails to boldly proclaim the way of the OverLord to his brethren will certainly earn FAith penalty points!

  • See the Creature Catalog description of elves for more background information. 

]These large-nosed cousins to the dwarves are known for their abilities in humor and acting, preferring music and jest in what little free time life and the Dragons give them. Gnomes in the DragonLands lean towards practical jokes and somewhat boorish "barnyard" humor, but in the Liberated Lands they are some of the finest musicians and playwrights. Their Psalmists are second only to the elves, and they love a good joke. The Dragons are rumored to occasionally keep gnomish bards and jesters. (Elves might be more entertaining, but we know how the Dragons get along with them.) 

Gnomes combine some of the characteristics of elves and dwarves. They are both tough and friendly, though they tend to have short attention spans. Any player who rolls a ST and a AG of seven or more may elect to create a gnome character. After all of the character's scores are calculated, we then must make the following changes to the "ADDS" section of the Player's Worksheet: 

Bonuses to be Applied to the Gnomish Lightraider:

  • The gnome PC gets a permanent +2 bonus on ENdurance and a +3 on both Physical Vitality and Recover From Injury, due to the hardy dwarf-like constitution.
  • They have +1 to KN on both wood and stone construction, caving, fine metalwork and jewelry-making. (They leave the grunt work of mining, armor/weapons and blacksmithing to their cousins the dwarves.) Like dwarves, they can tell fairly exactly (often by taste!) the value and quality of ore, refined metals, and gems. Note that this is in addition to the +3 bonus gained through the Former Profession roll.
  • The gnomish RFI bonus of +3 means the PC heals fairly fast in addition to the slightly higher PV level, and also means that the gnomish character makes an excellent Healer character.
  • Gnomes make all CA checks at +1 with all animals, regular and giant. (If the CA ability is not taken, then the gnome has a permanent CA of 2.)
  • Gnomish Raiders gain a +1 to hit when using a gnomish 2"-long battleaxe (d10) or throwing axe (1-5 damage). (Up to four such throwing axes may be carried from the belt of a 2' tall gnome.)
  • While not as proficient as the elves, gnomes do make excellent Psalmists. 
Penalties to be Applied to the Gnomish LightRaider:
  • Similar to dwarves, all WM checks are made at -2. If the end WM rating is 0 or lower, the dwarf will SINK LIKE A STONE in any body of water. They fear running or deep water as do their cousins the dwarves.
  • There are racial restrictions on their character classes, however. Gnomes cannot be RescueMasters due to their WM penalties. 
If members of the OverLord's Guard, they can shapeshift only to the forms of dwarves, other gnomes, or human and elf children their own size. An unless the gnome has a Self-Control score of 10, he/she cannot be a RaidLeader, due to the flighty attitude of the race. The gnome PC is enthusiastic, creative, and a bit flighty, but makes an excellent LightRaider. In the Liberated Lands, both male and female gnomes become Raiders, serving the OverLord as the Spirit directs them. 

The following info is not to be given initially to the party. It should only be used after the party has discovered, interacted with, and gotten the converisons from some of the hidden races.
The Hidden Raiders

ver since the time of the Scattering, there has always been fear, greed, anger and conflict in the world. It is Shaitan's legacy. The humans, we know, are easy targets for the subtle corruption Darkness brings, and among the dwarves, elves and gnomes, it has been no different. Hereafter are the stats for the OnceBorn of the Underworld; the labyrinth of caves, tunnels and dungeons that honeycomb the DragonLands. They are all similar to their brothers that walk in the world of sunlight, but for each sub-race, there is a tragic tale that led them away from the upperworld and the Light. 

    All information on the hidden races should be withheld from the players at the start of the campaign. Once the Raiders have encountered the "deep races" and made some conversions, those newly TwiceBorn NPC's may be transformed into player characters and run by your players. Bear in mind, however, that the very existence of these three sub-races is only misty legend (and less!) to the surface world. Care should be taken to ration information to the players; give specific information to the player running the new PC only...let the rest of the party quiz that player for information on his/her "dark past." You might even have Muldur the Ranger and Skhully the Centaur stumble across tiny bits of information as the game progresses!   
Hidden Races
Racial Adjustments Table
STrength              7 MIN     1/2    7 MIN
AGility                1/2     7 MIN   7 MIN 
Physical Vitality      +6        -       +3
   & RFI
ENdurance              +3        -       +2
Listening              +4        +4      +4 
Quiet Movement         +4        +4      +4
Special KNowledge      +3        +1      +1 
Bow                    -         +1      -
War Hammer/Throwing    +1        -       -
BattleAxe/Hand Axe     -         -       +1

Blend /W Surround      +4        +4      +4
Converse/Animals       -         +2      +1
Track Enemy            -         +2      -
Water Movement         -3        -       -3
The AM may wish to limit some weapons skills or other abilities of such a "converted" Raider initially, as the new adventurer has yet to learn the ropes. Also note that the bonuses and penalties below go in the ADDS column on the player's Character Sheet after all scores, skills, weapons abilities and character classes have been calculated. 

Note that all Deep Races share the following "special options package": +4 Listen and +4 Quiet Movement (only if used underground) and +4 BWS (ONLY in torchlight or less.) 

Morlocks (Black Dwarves)

hese Men are the decedents of the dwarves who were so greedy for gold and gems they dug pits deep into the Urth in ancient times and disappeared from the surface world. Morlocks are jet-black versions of dwarvenkind who, as OnceBorn, skulk in the darkness of their cavernous homes in small subterranean villages. Traditionally, they are dour, cheap, greedy, argumentative, and will not even associate with their own kind if profit is not a result. In their home environment, they eat insects and rock lichen, and shun the light of day. They only enter the upper-world to raid for foodstuffs or if some form of profit convinces them the risk is worth it. Their existence is no more than legend to the red dwarfs, and no one should be allowed to roll up a morlock until the party has converted some morlock OnceBorn per the rules in the Creature Catalog.

Once this is done, any player who chooses to can create a morlock character within the following restrictions: character must be based on a converted NPC, and retains the PC's ST (7 or higher) and AG (5 or lower.) 

Bonuses to be Applied to the Morlock LightRaider

  • The morlock PC gets a permanent +3 bonus on ENdurance, and a +6 on Physical Vitality and Recover From Injury, due to their hardy dwarven constitution.
  • Morlocks PC's get +1 to KN on stone construction, caves, armor & weapon smithing, utility blacksmithing, mining, and the general value/purity of gems and ores. Former Profession roll is more basic and primitive than the Darklings or Deep Gnomes. PC's who attempt the actual manufacturing of metal or stone items based upon racial or professional knowledge should be carefully controlled; they cannot create any item they have not actually seen before. (Morlocks in the Dark have very literal minds and not much creativity.) After one game year with the party, racial skills will re-assert themselves, and the Morlock may function like a true dwarf in these respects.
  • Morlock Raiders gain +1 to hit when using either a large (d10) war hammer, or a smaller (1-5) throwing hammer. (Up to four such hammers may be hung from the belt of a 3' tall morlock Raider.) Morlocks START with a d8 mace as their only weapons-skill...the hammers will require time and training (AM's call.)

  • TwiceBorn morlocks have no trace of the dwarven Technical Ability skill. None. Never will have. However, morlocks do have some special skills from all those years skulking in darkness...
  • Morlocks have a +4 add to their given Quiet Movement and Listening abilities when in an underground environment.
  • In torchlight or less, the morlock has +4 to Blend with Surroundings. A lantern or RuneLight prevents the BWS bonus. Failing a BWS bonus means two red reflective eyes stare out of the darkness.
Morlocks have standard heat-vision abilities in a moss-light or no-light situation. Though such heat-vision will only allow the "seeing" of rough outlines in shades of gray and red, it does show the outline of corridors and number of monsters, that kind of thing. PC CANNOT "read" scrolls or signs that contain no heat. AM should determine what kind of data the PC gets as if a sighted character were trying to pass a normal, well-lit room on a VIS check.

Note that the LIS, QM and BWS abilities may be hampered by a party full of talky adventurers chatting away around the morlock. Best use of the PC is as an advance scout, sneaking along. 

Penalties to be Applied to the Morlock LightRaider:

  • Akin to red dwarves, the morlock has a -3 on Water Movement...and if this drops the rating to 0 or lower, the PC will SINK LIKE A STONE in any body of water greater than a bathtub. Morlocks greatly fear the water.
  • To balance gameplay, there are racial restrictions on the character classes morlock PC's may play. Morlocks may be Knights of the Way, but they are locked into only "dungeon-environment" skills; assumedly the OnceBorn was sneaking off to play in dungeons. (Do NOT let this PC become a universal data-base of dungeon knowledge...this is a low-level adventurer. Any special checks against the KN skill should be done at a HIGH DL.) They cannot be Animal Masters due to their racial dislike of the wilds. Their non-musical nature means that they cannot be Psalmists. They cannot be RescueMasters due to their WM penalties. If members of the OverLord's Guard, they can only take the shape of dwarves, gnomes or human or elf children. And if Self Control is less than 10, they cannot be RaidLeaders, having not the temperament to govern wisely.
  • Morlocks in full, surface-world daylight function as if all scores except the spiritual Primes are at a rating of 1. The PC must have a special pair of sunglasses made by a red dwarf to negate this penalty. ("Cool! Ray-Ban's!")
  • If the morlock PC should encounter others of his race, he/she drops immediately into "John the Baptist" mode and must make a DL10 Self-Control check every round to see if the PC lays down all arms, moves into the midst of the OnceBorn at a dead run, and begins preaching the Word of the OverLord. If attacked, the said player will not make an active defense (a flat SF number applies, no roll) and will speak passionately on Grace until the PC perceives all have been converted. AM may rely on the Great Rescue WordRunes for the job, or simply use the Conversion Tables at the back of this Appendix. (See also the Witnessing section of the Advanced Rules.) Remember, the PF is figured at +1 "Fire of the Holy Spirit" bonus when the PC preaches to Morlocks. 
Darklings (Dark Elves)

Long ago, when the Glade was young, the elves fell to quarrelling over the dark magic offered by the Dragons. Those elves who loved magic more than life itself conspired to kill and steal all of the trinkets the Dragons offered to Elvenkind. On a night still referred to as "Dakenung" (or "Night of the Rending"), a splitting took place. Many noble and true elves were slain by their more greedy brothers and sisters in an night of bitter darkness. When sunlight again shone in the Glade, a quarter of all elves were gone, disappeared into the depths of the earth, far from sun and sky, and taking the DragonToys with them.

Today, many years later the dark elves (darklings) still patrol, deep in the earth, awaiting the day when they will attack the surface elves and control the world. And the green elves tell dragon-tales to their children about those fearsome old boogiemen, the darklings.

The darklings are no more than legend to most surface dwellers, though if asked for the information, the Wise Ones at the Academy will come up with sketchy information from the files. Darklings love Dragon magic, and will occasionally send strike teams to the surface to obtain magic items. No one should be allowed to roll up a darkling PC until the part has converted some darkling OnceBorn per the rules in the Creature Catalog. However, once this is done, any player who chooses to can create a darkling character within the following adjustments: character must be based on a converted NPC, and retains the PC's AG (7 or higher) and ST (5 or lower.) 

Bonuses to be Applied to the Darkling LightRaider:

  • Darkling elves get +2 to the Converse with Animals ability, but it functions only with underground animals, regular or giant. (If this is not a ability chosen by the player, it becomes a bonus ability at a permanent 3 rating.)
  • Darkling get a +3 on the VIS check for secret doors, and do not have to warn the AM when using the skill. (See Secret Doors.)
  • Darkling get +1 to hit when using bows.
  • Darkling PC's get a +2 on the Track Enemy ability (base score of 3 if not chosen) when in a cave or underground dungeon setting.
  • Darkling get a +1 on all KNowledge checks involving "cave-lore". (This would include underground survival, good campsites, which fungi are safe to eat, that kind of thing.) AM should monitor this skill NOT let it become omniscient understanding of any monster that walks a corridor. If you think the info would be outside of a player's ability, make it a DL 10 KN check! And note that knowledge of caves does not really mean a knowledge of dungeons and such!
  • Darkling elves have a better score than other races in the character classes of Psalmist and Knight of the Way. 
  • Darkling society more closely mirrors the upperworld than does the morlock or deep gnome community. The AM may choose a standard former profession for the PC, may allow a random roll, or may adjust a random roll to reflect a underground city.

  • The long years of underground living have given the darkling some special skills...
  • Darkling have a +4 add to their given Quiet Movement and Listening abilities when in an underground environment.
  • In torchlight or less, the darkling has +4 to Blend with Surroundings. A lantern or RuneLight prevents the BWS bonus. Failing a BWS bonus means two red reflective eyes stare out of the darkness.
  • Darkling have standard heat-vision abilities in a moss-light or no-light situation. Though such heat-vision will only allow the "seeing" of rough outlines in shades of gray and red, it does show the outline of corridors and number of monsters, that kind of thing. PC CANNOT "read" scrolls or signs that contain no heat. AM should determine what kind of data the PC gets as if a sighted character were trying to pass a normal, well-lit room on a VIS check.
Note that the LIS, QM and BWS abilities may be hampered by a party full of talky adventurers chatting away around the darkling; don't be afraid to bump up a DL to account for the party distracting the darkling's concentration. Best use of the PC is as an advance scout, sneaking along. 

Penalties to be Applied to the Darkling LightRaider:

  • To balance gameplay, there are racial restrictions on the character classes darkling PC's may play. Darklings may be Knights of the Way, but they are locked into only cave-environment skills (which does NOT include the "dungeon-environment...just caves!) They cannot be Animal Masters due to their unfamiliarity with the surface world. And if the PC's Self-Control is less than 10, they cannot be RaidLeaders, having not the temperament to govern wisely.
  • Darklings in full, surface-world daylight function as if all scores except the spiritual Primes are at a rating of 1. The PC must have a special pair of sunglasses made by a red dwarf to negate this penalty. ("Cool! Ray-Ban's!")
  • If the Darkling PC should encounter others of his race, he/she drops immediately into "John the Baptist" mode and must make a DL10 Self-Control check every round to see if the PC lays down all arms, moves into the midst of the Dark Elves at a dead run, and begins preaching the Word of the OverLord. If attacked, the said player will not make an active defense (a flat SF number applies, no roll) and will speak passionately on Grace until the PC perceives all have been converted. AM may rely on the Great Rescue WordRunes for the job, or simply use the Conversion Tables at the back of this Appendix. (See Witnessing section in the Advanced Rules.) Remember, the PF is figured at +1 "Fire of the Holy Spirit" bonus when the PC preaches to Darklings. Also, if the PC is a Psalmist, his/her instrument will be employed where possible, to produce the additional Psalmist +2 bonus on PF or TL. 
When role-playing this race, imagine you grew up a Cardassian in the Star Trek come from a harsh, unforgiving military society where Internal Security checks everyone. Darkling society is like a dark reflections of the surface world. (Serve the State! Beware the Order of the Flame!) Imagine your JOy at being shown the OverLord's love! 

Deep Gnomes

n the dimmest past, dozens of Gnomish royalty were kidnapped by the Dragons and carried off to depths of Urth. The vile Dragons ransomed these lost gnomes, and kept both the hostages and the money that was paid to them, locking them away deep underground. Although the royal ones escaped, they were unable to find their way out of the Dark, and have been wandering the tunnels, lairs and caves of the underworld ever since. They occasionally break out to the surface or the realms of the Darklings or Morlocks, but by now they are no longer true gnomes. Afraid they will be rejected by the surface gnomes, they now hide deep in their tunnels and speak only to themselves. Some adventurers tell the tale of sad dirges and keening that echo the endless caverns as the deep gnomes mourn their lost past.
If gnomes are the merry-makers of the OnceBorn, the deep gnomes write the tragedies. Much of their non-work time is still spent in entertainment, but the works they write are dim, odd and pointless, and are very Kafka-esk. They are perpetual victims, ever lamenting the cruelties of the world, and are not considered very fun to be with. (If the OnceBorn had Primes, they would have a JOy rating of zero!) So imagine the joy of a reborn deep gnome! (See NPC stats for this character in the Creature Catalog.)
Once the party has run into some deep gnomes and converted the same, any player who chooses to can create a Deep Gnome character: character must be based on a converted NPC, and retains the PC's ST (7 or higher) and AG (7 or higher.) 

Bonuses to be Applied to the Deep Gnomish LightRaider:

  • The deep gnome PC gets a permanent +2 bonus on ENdurance, and a +3 on Physical Vitality and Recover From Injury, due to their hardy dwarf-like constitution. Some of the "deep folk" become tunnel guards, protecting their vast dark holdings, but warriors tend to be male. Female deep gnomes who become warriors have an even worse self-image, and become even more zealous LightRaiders once TwiceBorn.
  • They have +1 to KN on stone construction, mining, cave-lore, fine metalwork and jewelry-making. (They leave the grunt work of weapons and blacksmithing to their cousins the morlocks.) Like the surface gnomes, they can tell fairly exactly (often by taste!) the value and quality of ore, refined metals, and gems. Deep gnomish society is more primitive than gnome culture in the surface world, as they have made very little technological advancement since being locked away beneath the ground. Similar to their cousins the morlocks, they have retained a wealth of knowledge in the form of mnemonic chants ("White HOT gold and SILVER ore...") Their jewelry would be considered basic at best by surface gnomes, but after a year of study with a full gnome in the Light, the true talent will reappear and the gnome may begin to do advanced, inventive work. Deep gnomes have been known to locate huge and rare gems in their diggings, however.
  • Deep gnomes make all CA checks at +1 with all underground animals, regular and giant. (If the CA ability is not taken, then the gnome has a permanent CA of 2.)
  • Deep gnomes make good Psalmists or Healers.
  • Deep gnome Raiders gain +1 to hit when using either a large (d10) Battle Axe, or a smaller (1-5) Hand Axe. (Up to four such throwing axes may be hung from the belt of a 3' gnome.)
  • Deep gnomes have a +4 add to their given Quiet Movement and Listening abilities when in an underground environment.
  • In torchlight or less, the deep gnome has +4 to Blend with Surroundings. A lantern or RuneLight prevents the BWS bonus. 

  • Failing a BWS bonus means two red reflective eyes stare out of the darkness.
  • Deep gnomes have standard heat-vision abilities in a moss-light or no-light situation. Though such heat-vision will only allow the "seeing" of rough outlines in shades of gray and red, it does show the outline of corridors and number of monsters, that kind of thing. PC CANNOT "read" scrolls or signs that contain no heat. AM should determine what kind of data the PC gets as if a sighted character were trying to pass a normal, well-lit room on a VIS check.
Note that the LIS, QM and BWS abilities may be hampered by a party full of talky adventurers chatting away around the gnome. Best use of the PC is as an advance scout, sneaking along. 

Penalties to be Applied to the Deep Gnome LightRaider:

  • Akin to surface gnomes, the deep gnome has a Water Movement penalty...but at -3! (Deep gnomes REALLLY hate the water!) If this penalty drops the rating to 0 or lower, the PC will SINK LIKE A STONE in any body of water greater than a bathtub.
  • Deep gnomes in full, surface-world daylight function as if all scores except the spiritual Primes are at a rating of 1. The PC must have a special pair of sunglasses made by a red dwarf to negate this penalty. ("My eternal life's so bright, I gotta' wear shades!")
  • If the deep gnome PC should encounter others of his race, he/she drops immediately into "John the Baptist" mode and must make a DL10 Self-Control check every round to see if the PC lays down all arms, moves into the midst of the OnceBorn at a dead run, and begins preaching the Word of the OverLord. If attacked, the said player will not make an active defense (a flat SF number applies, no roll) and will speak passionately on Grace until the PC perceives all have been converted. You may wish rely on the Five Great WordRunes, or use the "Quick & Clean" Conversion table in the back of this Appendix. The PF is figured at +1 "Fire of the Holy Spirit" bonus when the PC is talking to other deep gnomes. If the PC is a Psalmist, bardish instrument will be employed if possible, producing with the additional Psalmist +2 bonus on PF or TL.
Here ends the New Player Data. 

Onward, for the OverLord!


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This site is bravely maintained by Andros, the Aged Elf! This page is © 2009, Andrew Bartmess. DoubleClick on the Mystic Book to the right and Email me!
I last forged the mighty electrons of this page on 1/15/09!